Withdraw PF Amount: If It’s Stuck In Your Previous Company


You Must Have Completed Your Bank KYC

  • In case you have moved a company and have not been able to transfer your PF because the company is already closed, your account will stay in service for 36 months.
  • For that period, you will also receive interest in your PF.
  • However, the PF account becomes obsolete at the expiry of 36 months.
  • To continue, your claim needs your company to validate it.
  • Your BANK KYC will arrive at the aid in the lack of this certification.
  • Bank KYC is used for authorization for such situations in which the company has shut down and there is no one to approve.
What are the documents required?

You must keep the below-listed documents handy before initiating a withdrawal.

  • Aadhaar card
  • PAN Card
  • Bank Account Details With IFSC
  • Form 13 (Offline)
  • The Assistant Provident Fund Commissioner or other officials (as per the amount) will approve withdrawal or transfer clearance, in case you have the necessary documentation for KYC.
  • The Assistant Provident Fund Commissioner or other officials (as per the amount) can, once you have the necessary documentation for KYC, approve withdrawal or transfer clearance.

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