Labour Law Gazette Notifications (Updates) Of October-2021: “The One Clik”


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The Tamil Nadu Labour Welfare Fund (Amendment) Act, 2021

Government of Tamil Nadu vide notification No. 455 has amended Section 15 of the Tamil Nadu Labour Welfare Fund Act, 1972. As per the amendment, the Government has increased the contribution of employees from ten rupees to fifty rupees and contribution of employer from twenty rupees to hundred rupees.

The Madhya Pradesh Minimum Wages Notification (Oct 2021)

As per notification number 1/11/Five/2015/29748-996, Government of Madhya Pradesh has released minimum wages for the State of Madhya Pradesh effective from 1st October 2021

Declaration Of Paid Holiday On Account Of Election In West Bengal

The Government of West Bengal vide notification No. Labr/1900/20/(LC-IR)/IR/7S-06/17 has declared paid holiday on 30th October 2021 (Saturday) for the employees who are working in an industrial undertaking or any other establishments on account of Legislative Assembly election at 7-Dinhata, 86-Santipur, 109-Khardaha and 127-Gosaba(SC) Assembly Constituencies, 2021. Therefore, employers of any business, trade, industrial undertaking or any other establishments of the areas under the said Assembly Constituency shall grant paid holiday on the day of Poll to their workmen who are entitled to cast vote in the election under the Representation of Peoples Act, 1951.

The Uttarakhand Minimum Wages Notification (Oct 2021)

As per notification No 4384/4-01/13, Government of Uttarakhand has released Minimum Wages for the state of Uttarakhand effective from 1st October 2021

The Gujarat Minimum Wages Notification (Oct 2021)

The Government of Gujarat has released the revised Minimum Wages dearness allowance for the State of Gujarat effective 1st October 2021

The Uttar Pradesh Minimum Wages Notification (Oct 2021)

As per notification No. 630-37/Pravartan-(M.W.)/15 Minimum Wages released for the state of Uttar Pradesh effective from 1st October 2021 to 31 March 2022

Declaration Of Paid Holiday For Shops And Establishments In Haryana

Government of Haryana vide notification No. Elec-2021/IR-II/PSCE/Hol/24369 has declared 30th October 2021 (Saturday) as “Close Day” for only those employees of Shops and Commercial Establishments who are enrolled as voters in 46-Ellenabad Assembly Constituency (District Sirsa), to enable them to cast their votes.

The Goa Minimum Wages Notification (April 2021)

The Government of Goa vide Notification No. CLE/PA/MWA-VDA/(10)/2016/6020 has released the variable dearness allowance towards Minimum Wages effective from 1st April 2021

The Kerala Minimum Wages Notification (Aug 2021)

The Government of Kerala, Labour and Skills (E) Department has revised the variable dearness allowance for employment in Shops and Commercial Establishment and employment in Computer Software Sector. As per the Notification No.DES/859/2021-P3(1) , the Consumer Price Index (Cost of Living Index) Numbers applicable to employees in employment under the Minimum Wages Act (Central Act XI of 1948) for the month of August 2021 ascertained by the Director General of Economics & Statistics under clause (C) of Section 2 of the Act

Declaration Of Public Holiday For Establishments On Account of Assembly Elections in Andhra Pradesh

Government of Andhra Pradesh vide notification no. G.O.Rt.No.1698, has declared 30th October, 2021 (Saturday) to be a Public Holiday in the area of 124-Badvel (SC) Assembly Constituency, Andhra Pradesh.

Declaration Of Paid Holiday For Shops And Establishments In Meghalaya

Government of Meghalaya vide press release no 275/21 has declared paid holiday on 30th October 2021(Saturday) for the employees working in shops, trade, industrial undertaking or any of the establishment, Government Offices and Educational Institutions falling under 13-Mawryngkneng (ST), 24-Mawphlang (ST) Assembly Constituency in East Khasi Hills District and 47-Rajabala Assembly Constituency in West Garo Hills District in connection with the Bye Election to the Meghalaya Legislative Assembly.

Declaration Of Paid Holiday For Factories And Establishments In Telangana

Government of Telangana vide notification no. G.O.Rt.No.516 , has declared 30th October, 2021 (Saturday) to be a Public Holiday in the area of 31-Huzurabad Assembly Constituency, Karimnagar and Hanumakonda districts on the day of poll to enable the workers and employees to exercise their franchise. The Industrial Undertakings / Establishments which are working on shift basis, it has been clarified that a holiday is declared only for the shift during which the poll is to taken.

EFPO Circular For International Workers In Singapore

EPFO vide circular IWU/7(14)2008/Singapore/3130 has advised to all zones and regional commissioners for regulating the receipt of contribution taking in consideration this certification received through the employer of such workers either in physical or electronic form. The certificate as per agreement can be issued by any authorities namely the high commission of the Republic of Singapore in India, Consulate-General of the Republic of Singapore in India and Singapore’s Ministry of Trade and Industry. Therefore, claims submitted by Singapore nationals can be processed treating India Singapore comprehensive economic cooperation agreement signed by India.

The Andhra Pradesh Minimum Wages Notification (Oct 2021)

As per Government Notification No.G/6019/2021, CPI points for minimum wage calculation has been released for the state of Andhra Pradesh with effect from 1st October 2021

The Jharkhand Minimum Wage Notification (Oct 2021)

The Government of Jharkhand vide Notification No-2/MW-2071/2010, L&T-1214 has released the Minimum Wages effective from 1st October 2021

Amendment To Tamil Nadu Factories Rules, 1950

The Governor of Tamil Nadu vide notification No.SRO A-20/2021 has amended Schedule XX towards handling and processing of asbestos, manufacture of any article of asbestos and any other process of manufacture or otherwise in which asbestos is used in any form. As per the amendment, (1) Schedule shall apply to all manufacturing process carried on in a factory involving exposure of workers to asbestos and/or product containing Asbestos, (2) It apply to all workers exposed to asbestos in the factory and it shall be the responsibility of the occupier of the factory to comply with the provisions of this schedule in respect of the workers, (3) The occupier of the factory wherein asbestos or substances containing asbestos are in use, shall prepare work procedures and practices, in the light of scientific research and technological progress for approval by the Chief Inspector.

Enforcement Of Provisions Towards ESIC In Districts Of Maharashtra

ESIC vide notification S.O. 4476(E) has implemented the provisions towards Chapter IV (Contribution), Chapter V (Benefits), Chapter VI (Adjudication Of Disputes and Claims) effective from 1st day of November, 2021 in all the areas of Ahmednagar, Jalna and Yavatmal districts in the State of Maharashtra.

The Telangana Minimum Wages CPI Notification (Oct 2021)

As per press note released, Commissioner of Labour Telangana, Hyderabad and the Competent authority under the Minimum Wages Act, 1948 has declared the CPI points for calculation of variable dearness allowance for the state of Telangana with effect from 1st October 2021

The Central Minimum Wages Notification (Oct 2021)

As per notification F.No. 1 I /26(3)/2021-LS-II, Government of India has released Minimum Wages for the Central sphere effective 1st October 2021

Declaration Of Rate Of Interest For The Employees Provident Fund Members Account

EPFO vide circular No.INV-11/1/2020-INV and referring to ministry of labour and employment letter no. R-11018/1/2021 SS-II, dated 29th October 2021 has requested all zonal offices and regional offices to issue instruction for crediting interest to members account in regard to Central Government convey of approval towards credit of interest at the rate 8.50 percent for the year 2020-21.

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